
구두닦이 라는 제목으로 가사쓰고 녹음해 보았습니다.

2017-03-18 22:00:04

<iframe width="100%" height="450" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" src="https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=https%3A//api.soundcloud.com/tracks/295028161&amp;auto_play=false&amp;hide_related=false&amp;show_comments=true&amp;show_user=true&amp;show_reposts=false&amp;visual=true"></iframe>

written by Bakim

I’m just doing my thing up in this entertain game
I maintain my status. 매일매일 난 배웠어
Trust nobody 모두가 적인 거지
Like a truck driver I don’t care if I’m tailgated
Survivor of the fittest – yeah I’m the illest 
I’ll chew you up. I don’t give a shit
힘없이 쓰러질꺼면 I would’ve never started
내 팔이 발이 되도록 달려 빨리빨리 rhyming
The life that I wanted, intoxicated flow
등에 화살이 꽃혀도 계속 앞으로 달리고
My pain and fear 힙합으로 매일을 채워
I’m veteran, better at this than anyone else
Excuse me. This music is fused to myself
You better take notes when my rhymes penetrate the entire building
Dropping this mic 
Bootblack in the city
I spit and shine

Devour your lyrics in defiance of timers
Spontaneously killing it with a bullet in calcaneus
I fight for the rifle for snipers on the roof
Stronger than titanium. It’s time for the proof

The clock is ticking and my mind is racing
A little faster than bimmer
It’s not wine tasting
I give it a 100 percent
써내려갔던 verse엔
There’s blood everywhere 
텅빈 거리를 채워
They call me a dreamer but obviously I don’t sleep
풍족해 보여도 친구와 사랑을 다 잃었으니
Honestly, 2016 The Kim Dynasty
Not interested in hiphop minus me 
Focused. Keeping my eyes on my target
음악할께 이곳은 바로 현실이란 병실 
It’s time for war 
Pick up your weapons and fight
Who said silence is violence get your pencil and write
I’m tyrant in this game
It’s Running in my vein
There is No one in my lane
I don’t wanna entertain
아스팔트위에 flower 
이게 내 삶과 젤 가까워
Jack Bauer 
I don’t need no money and power

Devour your lyrics in defiance of timers
Spontaneously killing it with a bullet in calcaneus
I fight for the rifle for snipers on the roof
Stronger than titanium. It’s time for the proof

인스타: https://www.instagram.com/kbaruch1/

2017-03-19 03:23:48

영어 가사들을 더 잘쓰신거 같은데 플로우가 한국말 하실 때보다 더 올드하고 단순하네요. 딕션이나 영어 가사는 해외에 계시는지 굉장히 좋아요 플로우가 너무 아쉽습니다

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