
여자보컬 Hauzee입니다! Hauzee - JUSTSTAY

Updated at 2018-12-17 13:59:47




you don't want me talking like the girl like that
i didn't want it and it made you growl like that
you take me up but i felt it down
it took me to lose me

always you did push me to the edge in your bed
you love me to teach
you give me the shit
like wetted your lips
you know you do good
it's all you gave me

babe don't take me easy
i know you really do think about me like a toy you like
but i do not really care
love me babe i know i looks like a dimwit
Maybe now i'm probably get tired of just to pretend 
to hate what i love and it's you

oh oh oh boy i just want you to stay
oh oh oh boy keep me be your toy
yeah i just love and want you babe
stand by me i'll get there

still want you to be like that
time when we got along well
at that December. now where u at ?
stand by and don't let me be like the girls exhausted 
and waiting their mans coming back to them with 
getting no 1 percent of hope

얼었던 머리 이제 비돼 
친구는 못돼도 침구해
젖은 장난감을 샀지 이베이
못 살게구는것이 관심이네

화전민 shit 수학과학역사 
갠 다 알고 강하지 수화말할거야
하나로 안되니 성을 무하마드로할까
내 마음만 있지 왜냐면 이미 도난

나쁜말은 없어 그녀에게는 온도 
외로우지않을만큼 예쁜데도 추워
왜아픔을 도처 에깔아넣고 춤춰
왜는 내가 물어 본거아냐 그냥 언어

가사면됐지 넌 dimwit or mama
재미가떨어져 넘겨 no 만화
난 주변좀 더 돌다가 혹시 너만한
여자가 없으면 다시 널 샷아웃

oh oh oh boy i just want you to stay
oh oh oh boy keep me be your toy
yeah i just love and want you babe
stand by me i'll get there

2018-12-17 14:52:51

오.. 완전 좋으신데요? 음색도 좋으시고 비트도 좋고.. 비트는 구하신건가요?

2018-12-17 16:09:42

감사합니다! 비트는 ISSORED님께서 제작해주셨습니다~


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