
youyouk - Takin Advantage Of

2016-11-19 13:11:33
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 Advantage Of
Prod by youyouk

Can't be straight
내 등은 굽어있어
Shishabucks got me uhhh
I got somethin to stunt
Got somethin to brag
Fuckin with rich bitches who be willin to pay 
머리에 뇌말고 다른걸로 꽉차있고 
앞에 있는 여자중 한명은 paris에서 supreme을 친구에게 사게해서 한국에서 되팔어 비싸게해서
She out lookin for a place to park her Audi
혼자남은 나는 호스를 입에물고
불어 몸흔들며 under pb r&b
화면을 셀카로 고정하고 렌즈를 보며 가운데 손가락을 피고 놀지
옆 테이블 초록색 머리의 백인 여자 piercing made me wanna join em cause these boring girls in front of me talkin bout an imaginary guy she kicked out and knew it was bullshit

How you doin my friend?
Im here alone 
Two hoes out lookin for a place to park
Should keep myself sober not to get taken advantage of

They ain't comin tho
Fuck Im posed to care
They must be talkin bout the place they just rented

Nah ah
I ain't tryna hang no more

I aint tryna hang no more
These bitches rich as fuck willin to provide me the world everybody wanna be invited to
하지만 그날밤이 끝나며 내가 내 바지를 
다시 올리는 모습은 상상할수 없네
That be really fucked up
남자들 사겨본적 몇번 없고 그저 할배가 돈이 너무 많아서 카드는 존나 긁어
근데 너무 쳐먹어 등을 못 긁어
등을 못 긁어
Everybody wanna kick wit her
But ain't nobody tryna go to hotel wit her
남들 가보고픈 세상 다가보곤 아무나 다 가는곳을 못가서 desire를 풀어 by eatin burgers in her audi her grandpa bought her
Pentagon in roosvelt island
우리는 행복을 공유했지만서도 뭔가를 존나 게 이용해
Thank god for givin me pretty face
The only way poor boy can have fun in this bitch
I aint damned

You know they need me
Guess I be the only man they manage to have
But can't believe Im hangin with this sort of girls
Seems like this type of fun is over
Time to do what Im posed to do

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